Eli Duby




Eli was diagnosed with NF2 at 5 years old. His retina detached at 12 months, leading to numerous eye procedures & ultimately blindness in his left eye. Eli started doing unsedated brain & spine MRIs when he turned 8, & has been doing them at least twice a year since, in some cases much more. Over the years, he’s had a couple of tumors removed, and most recently, Eli had tumors on his eyelids removed, as the one over his only seeing eye was starting to affect his vision. Thankfully, he says he can see better now. 

“Despite all the setbacks NF2 has already caused, Eli continues to be such a brave, resilient, laid-back & sweet guy. Although doctor’s appointments have always been a part of life, we focus on getting it over with & on with life. Eli is our biggest inspiration & has helped show us what’s truly important in life.”

Eli and his parents headed to Boston for their B Happy trip.

“Under normal circumstances, this would have been just another whirlwind medical trip, but this time, we got to stop & enjoy all that Boston has to offer, and we did so many things we would have never thought to do! We explored Salem, ate local seafood and spent time on the water (things you don’t get to do when you’re from Kansas). We are so very grateful to be nominated and chosen for this one-of-a-kind experience that came at such a perfect time. We never take a good day for granted. Thank you, B the Difference, for giving us a week focused on fun & making awesome memories in Boston!” – Hannah, Eli’s mom