Who We Are

About Us

B the Difference was founded in 2011 by Stephanie Merritt Johnson and Jessica Roberts to honor the memory of their brother, Brandon. Brandon was diagnosed with Neurofibromatosis (NF), a disease targeting the nervous system by developing tumors on nerve endings, at 8 months old. Brandon never asked, “Why me?” as NF compromised his ability to play sports and interact with children his age—if anything, his physical disabilities allowed his personality to become incredibly nurturing and sensitive. B the Difference, the name and trademark of the Brandon Merritt Charitable Foundation, is not just a catchy name—we genuinely strive to make a difference in the lives of individuals afflicted with NF one family at a time. 

What is NF?

Neurofibromatosis or NF (pronounced neuro-fibroma-tosis), is a term for three distinct medical disorders: NF1, NF2, and Schwannomatosis. NF is a group of genetic conditions that cause tumors to grow on nerves throughout the body. NF can lead to blindness, bone abnormalities, dermal, brain and spinal tumors, deafness, disfigurement, learning disabilities, and excruciating and disabling pain, and cancer.

  • NF causes tumors to grow on nerves throughout the body.
  • Most tumors are non-cancerous (benign), although some may become cancerous (malignant).
  • NF occurs spontaneously or genetically. NF1 occurs in one in 2,500 children born.
  • NF affects all populations regardless of race, ethnicity, or gender.
  • NF can lead to disfigurement, blindness, skeletal abnormalities, dermal, brain and spine tumors, loss of limbs, severe balance problems, malignancies, learning disabilities, deafness, and intense pain.
  • NF is worldwide in distribution, affecting both sexes equally and has no racial, geographic, or ethnic distribution. Therefore, NF can appear in any family.
  • Roughly half of all cases arise in families with no history of the condition.

These facts were taken from the Facts and Statistics page of the Children’s Tumor Foundation website. The Children’s Tumor Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) medical foundation dedicated to improving the health and well-being of individuals and families affected by Neurofibromatosis (NF).

About B

Brandon Merritt, lovingly referred to as “B” by his co-workers at Beaver Creek, was born in June 1988 and was diagnosed with Neurofibromatosis (NF1) eight months later. He was the youngest in his family, with two older sisters, Stephanie and Jessica, who made it their purpose to love and protect him.

Brandon was the embodiment of a “Gentle Giant.” As he grew taller and taller, his heart grew larger and larger, with limitless love for those he held dearly, as well as every living creature on the planet, especially his dog, Cooper. He had an “Old Soul,” especially for such a young spirit. His favorite animal was a turtle, which encompassed his character and demeanor.

He was adamant about his “favorites” and a fiercely loyal sports fan. Everyone who came in contact with him knew he was a Boston Red Sox Nation member, a Miami Hurricanes superfan, a Florida Panthers 93’er, and Manchester United’s number-one supporter from across the pond. He could rattle off sports facts like an encyclopedia. He was also very brand loyal—he was known for turning down a drink other than water at restaurants because they served Pepsi instead of his beloved Coca-Cola. As a legal 21-year-old, his crowning moment was visiting the Sam Adams Brewery, his favorite lager.

After growing up in South Florida, Brandon traded the heat and humidity for the mountains of Colorado. The Beaver Creek Resorts community welcomed him with open arms, and he became a Guest Service employee on the mountain in the winter and worked at both The Club at Cordillera and Sonnenalp golf courses in the summer. Ever concerned about others, he always had a warm smile and a joke for every guest he came in contact with and treated strangers as friends. His mountains were his happy place—people accepted him for who he was despite his physical limitations, and although he missed his best friends from childhood, he found his second family out west. He enjoyed the slower-paced life in Colorado, truly taking in all the beauty that many of us tend to overlook. The warm and welcoming culture eased Brandon’s mind, knowing he didn’t stand out as much because of his limp—everyone walked funny, thanks to ski boots!

Unfortunately,Brandon’s  NF1 took him from us too soon—he was 22 years old. In the days following his passing, “B” snow sculptures started popping up all over the mountain, hand-carved by co-workers. It was -22 degrees the day he peacefully passed away, leaving a chill in the air and our hearts. We know the warmth is restored with every “Brandon Moment” we have, such as a fox crossing our path, a glass of Coke, a hummingbird drinking sweet nectar from a flower box, the wind blowing precisely at the right moment, etc. He truly was loved by all who were blessed to have known him and touched so many of our lives during his short time with us.

Meet Our Team

Board of Directors

Financial Transparency

B the Difference is committed to upholding the highest standards of financial transparency and accountability. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit foundation, we recognize the importance of providing our stakeholders with a clear and comprehensive view of our financial activities. Our dedication to transparency is essential in maintaining the trust and support of our donors, beneficiaries, and the general public.

Donor Privacy

We value the privacy of our donors and maintain strict confidentiality regarding their personal and financial information. Donor information is used solely for the purpose of processing donations and providing acknowledgments, and we do not sell or share donor information with third parties.

Governance and Oversight

Our Board of Directors is responsible for overseeing our financial activities and ensuring they align with our mission and goals. Regular board meetings are held, during which financial matters are discussed, and financial reports are reviewed.

Whistleblower Protection

We have implemented a whistleblower protection policy that encourages employees, volunteers, and stakeholders to report any concerns about financial improprieties or unethical behavior without fear of retaliation.

IRS Filings

As a 501(c)(3) organization, we file annual Form 990 returns with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), disclosing key financial information, governance structure, and programmatic activities. These filings are linked below.

Click to download IRS filings.

2023 IRS 990
2022 IRS 990
2021 IRS 990
2020 IRS 990
2019 IRS 990
2018 IRS 990
2017 IRS 990
2016 IRS 990
2015 IRS 990
2014 IRS 990
IRS Determination Letter