B Happy

What is B Happy?

B Happy provides five-day all-expense paid hosted trips for selected NF recipients and their families. The B Happy committee works with highly regarded NF doctors and the NF community to consider individuals for this opportunity. The concept of this program is derived in Brandon’s memory and stems from his curiosity of adventure, love of the great outdoors, and appreciation for the simple moments in life. B Happy allows participants to escape hospital beds, routine tests, MRIs, chemotherapy, and more to forget their everyday worries while embarking on a journey they will never forget.

B Happy Trip Locations

Map of B Happy trip locations across the United States, including Denver/Vail, Colorado, Miami/Fort Lauderdale, FL, Tampa/Clearwater, FL and Boston, MA/Portland, ME.

We provide B Happy trips to locations around the U.S. that Brandon loved. If you are selected for a B Happy trip, you can choose from the following locations: Denver/Vail Valley, Colorado, Miami/Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Tampa/Clearwater, Florida, orBoston, Massachusetts/ Maine. You can learn more about each location here and view past trips here. You can learn more about each location here, and view past trips here.

B Happy is a hosted vacation. If you are selected for a B Happy trip, you will have an experienced host to accompany you and ensure you have a great trip. Your host will be with you from the moment they pick you up at the airport until they drop you off at the end of your trip. Think of your B Happy host as a chauffeur, tour guide, photographer, shoulder to lean on, and friend to talk to.

From experience, we know that NF affects the person afflicted and the other family members who make multiple sacrifices. Trips are limited to a total of five people, including the recipient.

B Happy Eligibility

Who is eligible for a B Happy trip? Individuals with a Neurofibromatosis diagnosis (NF1, NF2, Schwannomatosis), age 13 and up, living in the contiguous United States. We accept referrals from medical professionals and the NF community at large.

B Happy Referrals

Do you know a deserving individual or family? You have the power to refer them for a B Happy vacation! We accept referrals from medical professionals and the NF community at large. Self-referrals or referrals from immediate family members are not eligible.

Apply to Be A B Happy Host

A B Happy host is with the family from the time they arrive at the airport until the time they are dropped off. They are part chaperone, chauffeur, tour guide and new found friend to the family. When looking for a host, we look for someone with a good personality, good sense of humor, someone who is compassionate, has a good driving record and likes to take pictures. Learn more about becoming a B Happy host by clicking the button below!

Meet Our Recipients

Meet Our Recipients

B Happy Partners

Colorado Partners

Florida Partners