B Kind

What is B Kind?

B Kind provides relief to NF families in many ways, such as grocery assistance, medical and educational needs, rent assistance, travel expenses for out-of-state surgeries and appointments, co-pays for surgeries, school supplies, uniforms, and laptops, and more.

Families Supported
Assistance Distributed

B Kind Eligibility

Anyone with a Neurofibromatosis diagnosis (NF1, NF2, Schwannomatosis) living in the Contiguous United States. Our committee works with NF doctors, physicians, social workers, and members of the NF community to refer deserving individuals to these programs. Email us directly if you know a family or individual who can benefit from B Kind assistance.

Eric V. Before Facial Reconstructive Surgery.Eric V. After Facial Reconstructive Surgery.
Meet Eric V.

Eric needed assistance paying for a $12,000 facial reconstructive surgery after a tumor grew back 20 years after a 2001 resection. The weight of the tumor was starting to impede his vision and impair his speech. This kind of plexiform tumor is quite complex so the reconstruction of his underlying facial structure was also necessary. Eric had raised some of the money needed but came up short. B Kind contributed the rest towards his life-changing surgery.

Meet Our Recipients

  •   Medical Assistance

    “God has truly blessed us. This is greatly appreciated and will help. Thank you so mu

  •   Educational Assistance

    “You have blessed us through the biggest financial hardship we have ever had.”

  •   Grocery Assistance

    "I’m dealing with this alone, and it means the world to me to have some kind of help

  •   Medical Assistance

    "I can breathe a little bit and sleep a bit more peaceful knowing it's going to be okay for now."

  •   NF Summit Scholarship

    "Forming these relationships helped me know I'm not the only one with NF."

  •   Educational Assistance

    "It was nice to do back-to-school shopping with funds that would previously be spent on groceries."

  •   Scholarship Recipient

    “My dream is to help find a cure for myself and other heroes.”

  •   Grocery Assistance

    “This is an amazing organization and everything you do and stand for is beyond wonderfu

  •   Medical Assistance

    "It is incredible help to have assistance with appointments that are accepted by my insurance."

  •   Grocery Assistance

    “This means we can have actual meals, not just scraps of food found in the freezer.”