Debbie Voboril


Debbie was born and raised in New York before relocating to Atlanta with her family for 25 years, eventually moving full-time to the Vail Valley. Her undergraduate degree in Health and Masters in Health Administration led her to positions in the non-profit world, including tenures with the American Red Cross and Retired Senior Volunteer Program, a national organization that engages older adults in volunteer service to meet community needs. She happily spent 20 years as a stay-at-home mom, shepherding her two sons to every sport imaginable while maintaining her connection to non-profits through volunteer work, including board positions on United Ways in New York, Georgia and Colorado. Debbie eventually returned to work, retiring as Director of Marketing for the Alpharetta (Georgia) Convention and Visitors Bureau.

Although new to B the Difference, Debbie could not be more proud to be a part of this amazing organization that honors not only Brandon but all those persons and families living with NF.